The Fine SAKE Award, Japan

The Fine Sake Awards Japan 2025


Coming Soon



Japanese cuisine including sushi, which first gained popularity in the US and Europe, is now widespread all across the globe and easily enjoyed in many cities in the world. During the process, sake interacted with foreign cultures and diets, which resulted in inventions like new combinations of sake and food. The best finding, however, was the advantage of drinking a wineglass of sake. Fragrance and visual effects of sake will be highly appreciated that way.

Wineglass helps you sense subtle aroma, colors, and viscosity of sake which you could not fully recognize in traditional sake vessels. Many Japanese were amazed to know that a glass of sake, in some cases, tasted more graceful than a small cup of sake. The wineglass, extracting inner characters of sake, did turn out to be its best partner and is expected to further prevail.

The Fine Sake Awards Japan does not solely focus on assessing the quality of sake. This blind tasting competition is supported by specialists who recognized the advantage of sake in a wineglass and joined hands to promote the popularity of sake and its culture not to mention spreading the new wonders of sake.

This event, inaugurated in 2011, has become one of the biggest sake competitions in Japan with about 200 breweries nationwide handing in some 300 items in total.

We sincerely hope our endeavor will go a long way and sake in a wineglass will become widespread. We believe this will help Japan's soul beverage sake recognized more and its culture handed down to future generations.


  1. 2024
  2. 2023
  3. 2022
  4. 2021
  5. 2020
  6. 2019
  7. 2018
  8. 2017
  9. 2016
  10. 2015
  11. 2014


The Fine SAKE Awards Japan Executive Committee
Kontatsu Co., Ltd. / Urakasumi Saura Co., Ltd. / Sakebunka Institute, Inc. / Tatsuma-Honke Brewing Co., Ltd. / Ninki Inc. / Ryutsu Joho Kikaku Co., Ltd.
Special Supporters
RSN Japan (RIEDEL) Co., Ltd.
Official Supporter
Japan Sake and Shochu Makers Association
Honorary Advisor
Toyoo Tamamura
CM Building 2F, 3-3-14 Iwamoto-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0032, Japan
Sakebunka Institute Division, Inc.
The Fine SAKE Awards Japan Executive Committee
TEL 03-3865-3010